Friday 18 October 2013

We have arrived!!

After nearly 24 hours of non stop travel we have arrived safely in Mineral Point, Wisconsin, USA.
The minibus ride from Redruth was long and with the M4 being closed we had to make a lengthy detour. However we arrived in good time at Heathrow. The flight was good, the food was passable and the in flight entertainment was great!
By the time we landed in Heathrow we felt as though it was late at night but the local time was only 7ish. Mr Nevers who came to Cornwall and another parent came to collect us. It is a further 3  1/2 hour drive from Chicago to Mineral Point and most of us succumbed to sleep on the way!
Finally we arrived at the school around 11pm local time. Our hosts met us and we went our separate ways. We are here, tired but excited to be in MP.
Mr R

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